Philosophy of the spontaneous city
In support of openness, flexibility and surprise in urban design
In support of openness, flexibility and surprise in urban design
An overview of all Urhahn projects
Urhahn is a leading urban design office with 3 decades of experience in the profession. We are very passionate about transforming both city and landscape.
This essay is part of a broader set of essays, coming from the joint publication of Urhahn and the Van Leer Foundation: ‘If cities would be Family Friendly’. What makes a city family friendly?
Child-friendly design goes beyond the design of a beautiful playground. Urhahn researched how to make a city family-friendly, recorded this in the publication 'If cities were family-friendly...' and is organizing a workshop on this theme.
Good marriage, good neighbours or good friends? How a public transport hub becomes a high-quality city entrance.
Collaboration creates support in Amersfoort
Everyone seems to agree: mixed use areas contribute to liveable cities. But why is it so difficult to achieve a mix of functions in urban area developments and transformations? This dilemma intrigues us and forms the basis for our latest research.
Iedereen lijkt het erover eens: gemengde gebieden dragen bij aan leefbare steden. Maar waarom is het dan zo moeizaam om functiemenging in binnenstedelijke gebiedsontwikkeling van de grond te krijgen? Dit dilemma intrigeert ons en daarom beginnen wij een zoektocht naar antwoorden.
Working on a more healthy, active Antwerp is a brave choice. It requires a strong policy with regard to car use, which does not always lead to popular measures. Then why do we want a more active friendly Antwerp?
Compass for the transformation into a mixed living and working area
Focus on organic transformation of an inner city area of employment
How 70,000 homes and 58,000 jobs find a place in an attractive mixed urban area between Amsterdam and Zaandam
Urhahn made the urban development plan for Weezenlanden Zwolle together with stakeholders and residents
Urhahn designs the most exercise-friendly and sustainable neighbourhood in the Netherlands
Urhahn has developed a Dashboard for the College van Rijksadviseurs (Board of Government Advisors) in which the social effects of urbanization are visualized.
Urban development research Hamerkwartier Amsterdam Noord
Lelystad defines strategic tasks as a prelude to the environmental vision (‘omgevingsvisie’).
The city center and the station area of Eindhoven will become ‘brainport-worthy’.
A lot has being spoken about healthy, active cities, but how do you make them? We show this in our new book! Now available.
Oostenburg is being developed into a mixed use area. The design by Urhahn investigates the balance between flexibility for future initiatives on one hand, and consistency and security on the other.
Four pillars provide a basis for economic progress: more jobs, more spending, more visitors and more businesses.
Urhahn has drawn up a structure plan for the West-Friesland region. This ambitious project involves regional parties and local people in safeguarding the future of West-Friesland.
Discover how Urhahn works: customised approach, open dialogue with various parties, clear process and a result that achieves broad support.
We like to help local authorities, property developers and other parties that initiate area development projects to clarify their aims with an area and to consider all possibilities.
Contact Urhahn? Call +31 20 421 74 40 or mail to Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Partner, urban designer
Partner, urban design strategist
Area development brings together many disciplines. That is why Urhahn often works with professionals from other areas of expertise. We are also active in a number of cross-disciplinary collaborative partnerships, enabling us to advise you on all aspects of the planning process.
The team at Urhahn translates creativity into convincing images and clear language. Our team consists of committed people from various spatial disciplines and of various backgrounds.
Urhahn works for clients in the public, private and social sectors
Urhahn offers internships to Dutch speaking, creative and ambitious urban design/architecture students of university or post-graduate level.
Partner, urban designer
Urhahn regularly conducts research into innovation in urban design. We are pleased to share our knowledge with you.
On the history and founder of the office
Weekly design workshop with the whole team lifts projects to a higher level
Over one thousand Facebook reactions, numerous conversations with residents, members of the business community and visitors to the city centre during the City Centre Labs, and intensive collaboration with the municipality, have all helped shape this vision.
Development plan and strategy for Hoofddorp Central is attractive and provides guidance for initiators.
A former city centre zoo will be turned into a city park with space for initiatives. Urhahn made the inspirational development framework.
How can urban environments contribute to greater interaction, and hence to greater innovation? Urhahn offers its vision of the development of urban interaction environments for knowledge workers, within the Spatial Economic Development Strategy (REOS).
The practice of urban area development has changed considerably in recent years. Area development today calls for flexibility. Urhahn researched the practice and concluded that there is plenty of experimentation with new strategies.
A complex strategy presented in a comprehensible manner
Water projects aren’t part of the National Multi-year Programme for Infrastructure, Space and Transport (MIRT). What is the benefit to do so? Infram and Urhahn explore this value.
Monitor of space intensification North Sea Canal Area offers the solution
Towards a shared vision for the Amersfoortsestraatweg
Assessment and realization strategy for employment areas in West-Friesland
Municipality of Stede Broec aims to further develop the Streekhof, a large regional shopping mall in a small town, into a sustainable, attractive town centre.
The high economical dynamics in the Schiphol region are sometimes conflicting with livability and quality of life in the urban areas. Time to investigate the feasibility of an innovative planning tool like the International Building Exhibition (IBA).
Airbase Valkenburg Katwijk transforms to sustainable residential district
A healthy city encourages healthy behaviour from its residents. An article by Ad de Bont.
Future of a modernistic city centre in a shrinkinkage area
Once a Philips factory behind a fence, now an employment area in the city. What is the future? In workshops with stakeholders Urhahn developed a sustainable area development strategy for Strijp T.
Urhahn advises Amstelveen with a vision to strengthen the connections between the adjacent districts and the city center and improving the public spaces in and around the center.
In five workshops Urhahn has examined how adaptive our cities and villages are considering major weather extremes.
Urhahn takes ideas of future tenants seriously and works it out with their own expertise to an urban plan and design for the public space.
How to improve the quality of the Binckhorst Northwest in The Hague in an organic development process?
How can the barrier of the A9 through Amstelveen be integrated in the urban area in an affordable way, and at the same time offer an advantage for the development of the city centre?
How can the divergent interests alongside the North Sea Canal area come together? Urhahn creates the vision for 2040 in which the area of tension between urbanization, increase of employment and conservation of regional qualities are drawn together.
Arnhem has searched for years for a feasible way to connect the city centre and the river Rhine, in the area around the Nieuwstraat. The urban design and the development strategy by Urhahn give shape to this ambition.
How can the design and the programming of the water strengthen the property development around the harbour basins and vice versa?
Urban renewal plan for a disadvantaged neighbourhood that empowers the residents to develop themselves: Barry Farm Washington (DC, USA)
Research on obstacles and opportunities for organic urban redevelopment
Technical knowledge of the Netherlands is combined with local knowledge from Mexico in the urban design for a new bridge, a park and traffic flow: Puente IV Centenario, Oaxaca de Juárez (MEX).
In search of the most optimal match between supply and demand for reuse of industrial buildings
An integrated approach to water, traffic, nature, economy, urban development and civic participation makes Urhahn's vision for improving river Atoyac in Oaxaca (MEX) more than just a spatial design.
The era of large-scale urban planning is over. With the book ‘The Spontaneous City’ Urhahn heralds another practice.
With the development of a former textile factory, the town centre of Almelo suddenly increases with 22 hectares. Urhahn made the development plan for Indië terrain.
Master Plan Wellesley Road and Park Lane Croydon London (UK): from mono functional business district to a livable, mixed use district
Vision, design and realisation of various projects in Shenyang (CN)
Development plan and public space design Oude Tolweg, Zuidlaren, Tynaarlo
Two intensification studies for Town Centres in London (UK)
Urban renewal plan and detailed Urban design plans for Kolenkit neighbourhood Amsterdam
Working on residential environments
A research on urban design and commissionership
Typological tool for quality in urban planning
Please browse through our Dutch pages to see more projects and news items